Click the “Duplicate” button in the upper right hand corner to add this template to your personal Notion!

Start here

👉 Tip: Make the cover photo above anything you’d like by hovering over it and clicking on “change cover” in the bottom right hand corner. I like to make a vision board each quarter in Canva and use that as my cover photo, but feel free to use whatever image(s) make you feel motivated!

Untitled design (27).png

👉 Tip: Change the image below to whatever you’d like by hovering over it, clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and selecting “replace”.


Word of the Year:

👉 Tip: Replace the word below with one you feel represents the year you want to have.

Challenge; trying something new or outside your comfort zone


👉 Tip: Click into the pages below to set goals by quarter. The goals you set in these pages will automatically populate in the dashboard to the right. Likewise, the goals you set in the dashboard will automatically populate in your quarterly pages.

Q1 Jan - March

Q2 April - June

Q3 July - Sept

Q4 Oct - Dec

👉 Tip: The dashboard below shows your goals organized by status. Toggle through the different tabs at the top of each table to view your goals by category. Click on the “+New” button to pull up the Goal Setting Template. To adjust the status of a goal you can either hover over the title of your goal and click “open”, which will bring up a page where you can change the status via a drop down menu, or you can hover over the goal, click on the 6 dots the left of it and drag to the appropriate table.

2023 Goals Not Started

Untitled Database

2023 Goals In Progress

My 2023 Goals

2023 Goals Completed

Untitled Database

👉 Tip: Change the image below to whatever you’d like by hovering over it, clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and selecting “replace”.